
Less than the average gross monthly salary 51,954.00 MKD has 72% employees according to the survey Mojaplata.mk.

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NortheasternEmployees distribution into salary ranges

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NortheasternJobs with the highest pay

Position Average net salary (MKD)
IT Architect - Information Technology 126,030
Project Manager - Management 92,751
DevOps Engineer - Information Technology 88,897
Data scientist - Information Technology 87,436
Java Programmer - Information Technology 87,168
IT Consultant - Information Technology 87,092
Software Engineer - Information Technology 86,798
Scrum Master - Information Technology 86,560
Javascript Programmer - Information Technology 84,368
Department Director - Public Administration, Self-governance 84,221
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NortheasternJobs with the lowest pay

Position Average net salary (MKD)
Bookmaker - Commerce 28,577
Receptionist - Tourism, Gastronomy, Hotel Business 29,696
Butcher - Agriculture, Food Industry 29,749
Shelf Stacker/Merchandiser - Commerce 29,796
Seller / Cashier - Commerce 30,419
Carer, Personal Assistant - Medicine & Social Care 30,475
Betting Clerk - Commerce 30,677
Sales Officer - Commerce 30,714
Psychologist - Education, Science & Research 31,229
Administrative officer - Law & Legislation 31,419
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NortheasternMost often provided benefits

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