
Our database contains 19,131 approved salary profiles.

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The newest profiles in the salary survey

Gender Position and category Region Company size Age group Net monthly salary
gender_icon Pharmacist Medicine & Social Care Eastern not available (n/a) 40,500.00 MKD
gender_icon Machine Operator Car Industry Southeastern big company 25-34 39,000.00 MKD
gender_icon Sales Officer Commerce Skopski big company 35-44 43,000.00 MKD
gender_icon Department Director Public Administration, Self-governance Pelagoniski middle company 35-44 71,667.00 MKD
gender_icon Lorry Driver Transport, Haulage, Logistics Southeastern big company 35-44 96,667.00 MKD
gender_icon Process Engineer Electrical & Power Engineering Pelagoniski big company 55+ 69,000.00 MKD
gender_icon Teacher Education, Science & Research Poloshki not available (n/a) 35-44 37,094.00 MKD
gender_icon CRM specialist Marketing, Advertising, PR Northeastern not available (n/a) 25-34 35,000.00 MKD
gender_icon Senior Sales Representative Commerce Skopski not available (n/a) 25-34 68,000.00 MKD
gender_icon Brand Manager Management Skopski not available (n/a) 35-44 55,100.00 MKD